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09/19/2024 – Christian Post: “Christian nationalism label emerges from intimidation.”



It is time to bring this article of a few weeks ago out of the closet of my blog queue

Note – 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview from the George Barna study. I agree with the D.L. Moody president that we must “maintain distinction between church and state.” As noted in this article, the left has a religion too, it is called paganism, their father is Satan. Their religion should not be preached in our gulag public school system. The solution is vouchers: It is appropriate to have schools that are consistent with the worldview of the parents. It is lunacy to think that one can separate our worldview from anything, it is the telescope lens through which we view the world. The pagans like to tout “separation of church and state” (not in the constitution by the way) , which in practice gives them a monopoly in the gulag, where only paganism is preached. As Douglas Wilson asked in a Christian conference a over two decades ago: “If we turned over vacation bible school to the devil and his minions, they wouldn’t take advantage of us , would they? Well we did, and they have.

Let them compete with their subpar academic performance as well. If Satan is your father, you get a snippet preview of hell, as in America today. Question: How can we call ourselves one united country? Lunacy, once again! Thoughts?

The kingdom of God is here so we fight to His glory! ; We are in the world but not of the world! We can’t lose, because God can’t lose. Our God reigns forever!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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