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09/23/2024 – “Rise with the challenge! Rise in courage, faith, and God’s power, and your Goliath problem will become your Goliath blessing.” /Do we really believe what we say we believe is really true? : “With God we will perform valiantly; He will trample our foes”. Psalm 108:13

Categories : Daily Devotionals

The Ministry Of Goliath

Monday, September 23, 2024

Goliath was a massive problem, a terror to God’s people. Yet ultimately, he existed for good. It was through Goliath that Israel and David saw the power of God. Through Goliath came David’s greatest hour. Through Goliath, David would ultimately become king. In the Book of Acts, the apostles faced Goliath problems. Yet through all their adversity, they ended up spreading the Word to the world and becoming pure, strong, victorious, and miraculous. It was through Goliath and Goliath-sized problems that the people of God became who they were born to be. And it is through Goliath problems that you become the victorious person you were meant to become. Do you have a Goliath problem? Then you have a Goliath blessing waiting as well. So don’t run from your Goliath. Don’t complain about it. Do what David did. Rise with the challenge. Rise in courage, faith, and God’s power, and your Goliath problem will become your Goliath blessing. 

From Message #951 – Upside Down Day 
Scripture: Psalm 108:13

TODAY’S MISSION – Today, set your heart on facing your Goliath, and by the power of the Most High, slaying it. 

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So, to answer the question: If I really believe what I say I believe is really real, I have an opportunity to give God the glory through even the worst that the devil and his minions can throw at me in this evil world. And if I engage that evil, and/or endure seemingly needless personal and isolated suffering like Job, I can’t lose for He can’t lose. Secondarily, I will have a cheering section of angels from heaven backing me up. All in!; Always connected by His grace!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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