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10/15/2024 – Day 114 – Exodus – Chapters 13 – 16 -/ 13: 12 – 16 – Why did God require the Israelites to offer every firstborn male animal from their flocks?

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

We’ve covered this in previous cycles, but I thought the footnote in my Apologetics Study Bible was excellent:

“Offering every firstborn male animal from their flocks required financial sacrifice on the part of the Israelites, yet the Lord required it. God is interested in more than his people’s prosperity; He also wants them to develop their values, character, and spiritual life. As each succeeding generation of Israelites gave its firstborn males to God, they would in some way recreate the exodus event. They would be reminded of the seriousness of sin; whenever they ate the meat of the animal, they would be reminded of the sacrificial meal eaten by their forefathers on the night of the exodus. By sparing their own firstborn sons through the death of a sacrificial animal, in obedience to the Lord’s command, they would experience the lifesaving grace of God in a deep and unforgettable way. Unlike the Canaanites, who gave firstborn sons and daughters to their gods by killing them (Leviticus 18:21), the Israelites were to let their children live (Deuteronomy 18:10). They were to pay a redemption price for each child redeemed. The males of the tribe of Levi were then to serve as lifelong substitutes for the redeemed sons (Numbers 13:12).”

Questions for fellowship generation, the lifelong sanctification process:

  • What does the text reveal about God’s character?
  • How has this reading generated prayer for you and/or us?
  • What themes stand out to you in this bible study?
  • How does our reading fit into the bigger picture (creation, the fall, restoration, etc.)?
  • What verse(s) jumped out at you like never before?  Is it explainable at this point?
  • Do you have any questions you would like to put before the group as to how to interpret any particular verse(s)  in our reading.  Let scripture testify to scripture: Share with us where you sense contradiction between passages elsewhere.
  • What did you find convicting and inspiring at the same time?  Share with us how the Spirit of God is working within you as a messenger, both within and outside of our fellowship group.
  • Share with the group how our study is calling or confirming to you a new mission to glorify God in our times.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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