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01/11/2024 – Day 202 – Ezekiel – Chapters 31 through 36 / Verse commentary (3)

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

From “The Apologetics Study Bible”:

Chapter 34 – “The Shepherds and God’s Flock”

“34: 6-31 The Lord is the true Shepherd of Israel. He made clear in this passage by the use of 18 possessive pronouns such as “My flock” and “My sheep”. Human shepherds were accountable to the Divine Shepherd, a concept David well understood (Psalm 23: 1-6). So the Lord declared that He was against the human shepherds (Ezekiel 34: 2,10) and would be the true Shepherd. At least 25 verbal forms translated ‘I will’ punctuate verses 10-29. There promises express the Lord’s determination to personally attend his flock. His Messiah will mediate a ‘covenant of peace’ between God and His flock (v. 25; 37:26). Ezekiel joined Jeremiah in outlining the new covenant (34:25-31; Jeremiah 31: 31-34).”

Chapter 36 – “Restoration of Israel’s Mountains”

36: 1-15. This passage was a reversal of the message against the mountains in 6: 1-14. It was a celebration of the repossession of the land by the Judea’s returning from exile. The passage includes additional accusations against Edom. First, when the Judea’s were exiled, the Edomites rushed in to claim the land for themselves (vv. 2-3, 5). Second, they plundered Judah and left the land desolate (vv. 3-4). Third, they ridiculed and scorned the people of Judah (vv. 3-6,15). Consequently, God gave four promises to the Judea’s who would be returning: (1) the land would again be fruitful (vv. 8-9); cp. 6: 8-10; (2) all the people of Judah ultimately would return, multiply, and prosper in the land (vv. 10-11); (3) their return would be permanent (vv 12-14); (4) the Judea’s would no long be an object of scorn by other nations (v. 15).

Chapter 36 – Restoration of Israel’s People”

“36: 16-23. The Lord gave two reasons for restoring the ‘house of Israel,’ the religious community of Judah: (1). He restored them for the sake of His holy name, not because they deserved deliverance (vv. 21-22); (2). the restoration served notice to foreign nations that Yahweh, the God of Israel, was still in control (v. 23).”

Comment: I recommend the post back on 12/05/2020, Chapter 33, with the question “Who are the Watchmen?”; I submit again, it applies to us today.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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