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02/01/2025 – Day 216 – Ezekiel 43 – 48 / What is the significance of Ezekiel’s temple?

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year


I take the literal fulfillment view of the “3rd temple”, that it will be erected during the 1000 year millennial kingdom, as opposed to the figurative view. I thought this article was a solid summary , in this case chapters 40 through the last chapter 48.

I encourage y’all to review previous cycle posts on this Day 216: 1). Back to 12/19/2020 in two parts, I am still amazed at connecting prophecies running 3,000+ years.; and 2) 10/01/2022. Just logon, and use the search bar to enter “day 216”. Your results will highlight these three prior cycle posts for this reading.

I will conclude with the footnote commentary for verses 48: 30-35, the close to the book of Ezekiel. Get ready, the next two Saturdays, we will be studying the entire book of Daniel! Both Ezekiel and Daniel are heavily connected to Revelation. I can’t imagine a study in Revelation without first studying Ezekiel and Daniel.

Here is our closing commentary from “The Apologetics Study Bible”:

48: 30-35 Ezekiel closed his prophecy with a marvelous vision of the new Jerusalem located foursquare in the southern sector of the sacred district. The city has 12 gates, three on each side, and is the pattern for John’s vision of the Jerusalem ‘from God’ in Revelation 21: 12-14. The city’s name is a testimony of Yahweh’s presence among His people forever: Yahweh Shammah, ‘The Lord is there.’ John’s city likewise, is the place where God will dwell among His people, to ‘be with them and be their God’ (Revelation 21:3).

The first city mentioned in the Bible came about as a result of Cains’s act of rebellion (Genesis 4: 12-14). The final city is the city of God, His dwelling place. Ezekiel’s ministry began with an awesome vision of the storm of judgment approaching a sinful nation. It closes with a glorious vision of a new people, a new land, a new worship – and in the midst of it all, ‘Yahweh is There.’ “

Soli Deo Gloria!

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