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02/28/2025 – Day 243 – Proverbs – Chapters 20 – 21 / “…And Christianity is the only Gospel in the world, the only message in the world, where a man’s God comes and lives inside of him.” Leonard Ravenhill

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

There are three posts as I recall covering today’s Day 243 reading, all from different cycles. Logon users: Just use the search key on “Day 243”; The selections will pop up.

Here is a Leonard Ravenhill full quote: “We miss the mark telling people who are morally good, and very excellent many of them, that Jesus Christ came into the world to make bad men good. He did not. That’s a fringe benefit. The first argument God has with a man is not that he’s bad, it’s that he is dead in trespasses and in sin. And Christianity is the only Gospel in the world, the only message in the world, where a man’s God comes and lives inside of him.” Leonard Ravenhill

Here are four verses from our reading that speak to the quote: 20:6 / 20:9 / 21:2 / 21:4

Quite a testimony on Leonard Ravenhill’s prayer life. 1) Go to www.deeperchristian.com ; 2) search on “Leonard Ravenhill”; 3) Select episode 314.

Here is summary biography with some winsome quotes from Leonard:

Soli Deo Gloria!


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