07/22/2020- The Cultural Marxist Threat in America
-Do you believe man is basically good or basically evil?
– Is American a rascist country?
I submit: “Politics is not our Savior, but there is no direction we can turn in this life where God does not speak to us in His Word.”
I noticed in a poll that 69% of Americans believe that man is basically good. 56% of Americans say that America is indeed a rascist country. 70% of Americans are self professed christians but yet a mere 6% were determined to have a christians worldview in a renowned George Barna ongoing statistical study. The Mosaic generation, ages 18-23 yrs old registers a christian worldview perpective of only 1/2 – 1 %. In the case of a majority perception of American as a rascist country, I recall Joseph Goebbel’s propoganda and hate speech mantra philosophy in the 1930s: “Mention anything long enough and with enough force, and eventually almost everyone will believe it.” If man were “basically good”, I submit this would fail everytime, it would not even get to first base.
Again, I recommend Voddie Baucham’s sermon / lecture running an hour that so aptly communicated the threat of Cultural Marxism. (Search on the website here for the youtube link talk that runs almost a hour. ) Voddie concludes noting that we need to get back to “one race”, “one body in Christ”. God’s word, not ours!
You know, it’s wierd, I was fairly well versed in Classical Marxism, with somewhat of a self-directed study in Russia. I am reflecting on an upper elective class in Russian history and economics at the University of Colorado back in 1978. But I didn’t know much about the cultural marxism of say the Frankfurt school, Saul Alinsky, cultural hegemony dogma that was well into being popularized from the 60s on college campuses. The assistant prof that lectured the class throughout was an avowed Marxist. Oh yea, even back in those days, the leftists held a clear majority in the political science dept, if not the economics dept. The young hippie prof called himself a “Trotskyite”, as if that made him a “good” Marxist. Stalin chased Trotsky down in exile all the way to Mexico where he was hacked to death by goon assassins. Marxism, be it classical or cultural, doesn’t differ in end result, a sure pathway to hell.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa both fall within the maestros of evil in the Cultural Marxist arena. Both Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama were heavily influenced. Saul Alinksky (1909-1972), a central prophet, in his “13 rules” noted the first three as: 1) Divide and Conquer; 2) Find and incessently attack “scapegoats”; and 3) Create Chaos. Mmmm, see a connection here? “You’re a rascist!” As overused as it is, it certainly is divisive, goal #1.
Ben Shapiro has noted that he has brought up to Black Lives Matter that their platform of : 1) abortions at will; 2) Caustic Anti-Semitic hate directed at the nation of Israel; 3) Sanctuary cities; 4) Destruction of property runs completely counter to his Orthodox Jewish faith and worldview. 5) Destruction of the family, one man and one woman. We can capsulize this all into: “God is our enemy!” But voice an objection and they reply: “So , you don’t think Black Lives Matter?” “You’re a Rascist!”.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa does not engage in civil discourse, they are not capable of it. They either 1) shout down or 2) physically assault, as was the experience of the “blue live matters” supporters literally on stage at the Civic Center in downtown Denver earlier this week. The police chief ordered a “stand-down” order, with black lives matter outnumbering “blue lives matter supporters 4:1 or 5:1. Such a tragic irony, is it not?: a stand down order from protecting “blue lives matters” supporters? Such is the nature of our times.
I recall reading that Marxist revolutions are directly responsible for 125 million deaths in the 20th century. Just think about the horrific purges of Stalin and Mao. And maybe not in total numbers, but what % of the total Cambodian population was summarily executed in the killing fields after Phnom Penh fell in the early 70s?
But yet, people are basically “good”? I recall a bible verse that says that “good fruit cannot come from a bad tree” anymore than “bad fruit” can come from a “good tree” . So, what is the point? Also recall, that Jesus said:
“Only God is good”. End of discussion.
I have an immense amount of respect for Christian pacifists like the Amish and the Mennonites. I really do, but I am not one of them. We need to be prepared now for a total law and order breakdown. We are called as warriors to make a stand for our God, our country , and our family. I will continue to pray for the young kids caught up in this evil madness. God alone can turn a heart around. In their present brainwashed condition, they cannot be reasoned with, nor can they be bargained with. Most of these young people spent their whole entire school years in the public school gulag system.
A big “thumbs up” to Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert who proposed a privilege resolution to congress that would ban the democratic party for supporting slavery. Check out the link below for the historical evidence. We will have always have our rascists for man is basically evil. But as a country we need to turn back to God. Oh related back to the surveys, I think I saw that only 36% of Americans believe that life is sacred. How does that go together with 70% self professed “christian”? This is really schizophrenic. Is it any wonder that we have so many souls addicted to chemical cocktails, whether prescribed for anxiety and depression, or off the street? One needs a comprehensive worldview that is not logically contradictory at every turn.
We don’t have to plan for a rapture. God is sovereign!; He will declare when it is time to declare: “Enough!”. But we can fight for a new future by putting God back in our classrooms with a comprehensive school choice grass roots force that sweeps across this country like a tornado. No more of this “separation of church and state” bullshit mantra. What they were talking about was “worldview” and you simply cannot separate a person’s worldview from any aspect of their life past breathing. So , God was removed in the classroom and replaced by the pagan god of darwinism, not the science but the religion. Can’t we see this con job, even in retrospect? It’s a gulag. But, we didn’t ask whose worldview is being preached here? Certainly, the devil’s minions wouldn’t take advantage of us, would they? Well, they would and they did. Rome didn’t fall in a day, nor even a single generation.
Oh quick final note: If you believe that America is a rascist country, see the movie “Muscle Shoals” , a documentary and free on you-tube as I recall. Even if you still aren’t open to coming my way on the question, you will have heard a fascinating music artist documentary. It was sublime in my opinion. I would like to hear comments on this film. Very few know the story of the early 60s in the little town of Muscle Shoals Alabama. What made it so special for the artists that seemed to want to camp out there in cognito? Whether we treat the glass half full or half empty can result in a completely different outcome, presuming any underlying motivation to live toward “e pluribus unum”. Attitude does shape results! And whining, whether individually or collectively, is toxic to the “whiner” ; we need to find a way to get those fictional “feeling” stories out of our head. (a Christian brother of mine calls it the “do loop”) It is most destructive to the “whiner” , not the alleged perpetrator. Think of how this holds true with individuals that you known over the years.
– I had to look it up – the death estimate varies widely but it looks like around 2 million souls, or 25% of the entire population before the Khymer Rouge seized power. But, “man is still basically good”…..
– As fact-checking website PolitiFact notes, one of the organizers of the original Black Lives Matter movement in 2013 did say she and co-organizers were “trained Marxists,” and the official Black Lives Matter website currently states, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another.” (We don’t know history and knowledge does not go beyond a soundbite or a 10 second visual. Ignorance is not bliss! We are easy prey for evil… Worse yet, biblical illiteracy is predominant amongst self professed christians)
Always connected by His grace,
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To elaborate on Barna’s survey concluding 6% of all American adults have a biblical worldview and less than one out of every five (19%) of self professed “born again Christians”, here are the questions:
Absolute moral truth exists.
The Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches.
Satan is a real being or force, no merely symbolic.
A person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth.
God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.
All of the questions had to be answered in the affirmative to meet the definition of a
“Biblical worldview”. Why? Because each is clearly and unequivocally pronounced in the Bible.
I have received some “pushback” on my post. That is good thing, but I would have preferred it to be via the website so others could participate. But in God’s time…… Soli Deo Gloria! Here is my general reply that some can use as a tool…:
A radical proposition in our world today indeed, but I would submit we have a “sin problem”, not a “skin problem”. And for those who disagree, I would submit the following American heroes who would concur with my post on : “The threat of Cultural Marxism in America”. I submit the following by name followed by just one book they have authored :
-Ravi Zacharias / “Jesus Among Other Gods – The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message”
(note – Ravi was “Asian Indian” by birth and upbringing. We miss you Ravi !; See you at the Gate! ) *A – See note at bottom (quotes)
– Candace Owen and Larry Elder / “Blackout: How Black America Can Make its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation”
-Voddie Baucham / “Family Driven Faith: Doing What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters to to Walk With God” (checkout youtube sermon / lecture under the topic: “Cultural Marxism”!)
-Star Parker / “Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About it.” *B
*B – “CURE” , founder and President, Center for Urban Renewal & Education; Washington, D.C.
-Burgess Owens / “Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men Into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps”
-Lt. Col Allen B. West, Ret. / “We Can Overcome: An American Black Conservative Manifesto”
(Dallas Texian native now, Florida: “Your loss, our gain!” A Warrior and fun to be around in the midst of the battle….)
-Dr. Tony Evans / “Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, the Kingdom, and How We are Stronger Together
-Dr. Ben Carson / “You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to ‘T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G.’ “
-Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. / “Cops Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America”
-Shelby Steele / “White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights ERA (P.S.)”
– Alan L. Keyes, PhD / “Masters of the Dream – The Strength and Betrayal of Black America”
-Tim Scott and Trey Gowdy / “Unified: How Our Unlikely Friendship Gives Us a Hope for a Dividend Country” (oops – How did I get the “privileged white guy” in here…)
– Clarence Thomas / “My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir”
Sadly, these warriors for the remnant body of Christ do not even have wide name recognition in the general public. It is not about the messenger but God who delivers the message. But if the messengers were more widely recognized and followed as His leaders, we would be living in a much better world right now in our obedience to His command in Romans 12:2 !
*A – quotes from the foreward of “Jesus and Other Gods…” by Ravi Zacharias:
“We are never to judge a philosophy by its abuse.” Augustine
“My earnest prayer is that when you read this, you will make your judgment of the Christian message based on Truth, not the mood of our times. Moods change. Truth does not.” Ravi Zacharias