08/30/2020 – day 090 – Jeremiah 1 – 6 – Q: What ten symbols represented God’s rebellious people?
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Daily Bible Reading - 365 day plan
- as mentioned earlier – 3:3 – “you have played the harlot with many lovers” – see 1st commandment.
- ) 2:13: “broken cisterns” – that can’t hold water / God being the fountain of living water. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well – “drink my water, and you will never be thirsty again.”
- ) 2:24 – “wild donkeys” – “a wild donkey used to the wilderness – sniffs at the wind of her desire.
- ) 2:14 – “homeborn slave” – a total slave to original sin.
- ) 2:26 – “ashamed as a thief”
- ) 3:11 – “backsliding children” – a misnomer for Christians, as if it fits, then that person was probably never really saved in the first place.)
- ) 4:3 – “the foreskin of your hearts” – where is your heart?
- ) 4:22 – “silly children” – very likely goes along of self proclaimed wisdom.
- ) 4:31 – “Voice of a woman in labor” – in times of dire crises, otherwise, never ever heard from.
- ) 5:14 – “Behold, I will make words in your mouth fire, And this people wood.” (speaking to prophets)
- ) 5:26 – “For among My people are found wicked men; They lie in wait as one who sets snares; They set a trap; They catch men. ” i.e. Pagan cultural marxists – Antifa and BLM.
- ) 6:30 – “rejected silver”
1 comment on “08/30/2020 – day 090 – Jeremiah 1 – 6 – Q: What ten symbols represented God’s rebellious people?”
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Carl Kalbfleisch
Looking forward to the eleven weeks in Jeremiah. I hope we will have some good discussion and pointing out what we see in these verses. I can’t read or think about Jeremiah without one of my favorite verses that God knew us in the womb. What a powerful reminder of God’s great love for us.
On of my favorite preachers is Skip Heitzig – Calvary Chapel Albuquerque. He is a wonderful expositional preacher. In addition, he wrote a book called the Bible at 30,000 feet and just finished a two year sermon series by the same name to provide a high level overview of the scripture. Within this series there are two sermons to summarize the book of Jeremiah. The first can be watched on YouTube at https://youtu.be/fHN7poD_cMI
He also preached in 2004 a 23 part series on Jeremiah basically covering two chapters per sermon. You can listen free here: http://skipheitzig.com/teachings_search.asp?series=160&AcceptsCookies=yes#series358
Or for two bucks you can buy the series on Audible which provides a good player to listen on your device. See https://www.audible.com/pd/24-Jeremiah-2004-Audiobook/B01B6UGCOK?qid=1598891973&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=e81b7c27-6880-467a-b5a7-13cef5d729fe&pf_rd_r=0XCJE87XEQ53KHRX2QQD
I hope these resources will be helpful. I plan to listen to Skip’s sermons on the relevant chapters of Jeremiah each week.