02/18/2022 – Gospel of John – Chapter 18 commentary: Jesus Arrested and Questioned by the High Priest
I start with Matthew Henry’s commentary here on 18:6: “When Jesus said, ‘I am he’, they drew back and fell to the ground.” Indeed as Matthew notes, what could account for them drawing back and falling to the ground with such a basic answer from an unarmed man facing an armed detachment of soldiers, other than Jesus’ majesty, glory and power that he projected? Skeptics can question now, but they will be faced with stark reality on judgment day.
FYI – verse 15 – the “Another disciple” is commonly speculated that it is John, for it is common for him in the Gospels he wrote not to mention his own name. I suppose he could have come closer to giving it away if he had added: “the disciple that Jesus loved.” lol
FYI – verse 17 – I think this is from Matthew Henry as well: That the ” ‘other disciple’, who was known to the high priest” was most likely to be Nicodemus or even Joseph Armimithea, as opposed to John, as they would be much more likely to have been accepted by the high priest Annas. John may have sold fish to Annas , but there is no evidence that would have gained him “acceptability ” to Annas. In fact, Henry notes that his Galilean accent would be a turn off to the high priest.
Verse 38: Talk about eerie!: Pilate asking Jesus: “What is truth?” So in entire human history, he asks that of the one and only man that was the essence of Truth. And he didn’t wait , or even press for an answer from Jesus. He just walked away. How does one put words into that personally tragic response? I know I have seen it in film but I recall that Pontius’ wife had dreams of Jesus and warned her husband not to press judgement over him. Maybe she became a Christian if that is indeed true.
Lastly, if you are logged in , you can search my post back on 01/25/2021 – Day 253 of our read through the bible that commenced about a year ago. Day 253 assignment is John , Chapters 16 through 18. WIth respect to all these chapters in an overview, check out the last paragraph.
Soli Deo Gloria!