05/16/2022 – Day 075 – Mark 3 and 4 / Part 2 of 2 // The unforgivable sin- Mark 3:20-30 /
On 11/05/2021 , we have two sermons on the same subject: The unforgivble sin, one from John MacArthur and the other from R.C. Sproul. Also, here is an excellent article on the subject:
The Parable of the Sower: Chapter 4: 1-20:
Jesus explains the parable at the end of the section. I think the seed on the rocky ground , verses 16 & 17 could equate to a person that say makes an altar call , professing Jesus Christ as his/her personal saviour. It could be it just a “good feeling”, that it never reaches the heart. Only God can measure a heart. But if a professed christian’s life cannot be distinguished from non-believers, then that future Christian should be witnessed to as if it were the first encounter of Jesus in his or her life. I don’t think it is possible to be saved, and not show it at all in a life walk. To be saved is an automatic sustained joy and yearning for the Lord like “a deer panting for water”, as noted in the Psalms.
Jesus Calms the Storm: Mark 4: 35-41:
Throughout the Gospels, I see the disciples as I see myself: “a mess, but a redeemed mess”. But in this story, I sympathize with them. Jesus asks them immediately after calming down the storm: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith? I read once that these “furious squalls” on Lake Galilee could be horrific. Four of the Twelve disciples have been professional fisherman, but yet they really believe they are in danger of drowning. Out of love, Jesus must be calling them to a higher level: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” Mark 8:35 / Luke 9:24 / Matthew 16:25.
Soli Deo Gloria!