05/17/2022 – “Hell: Created good, for the destruction of evil” / “In the end, our souls will reside eternally in the place of our own choosing.”
I encourage y’all to read and pray on this article. I will share with you two quotes from the article:
“the Bible nowhere gives us a detailed description of Hell, it does not shrink from telling us what it is: a place of eternal torment, weeping, and gnashing of teeth for those who reject God’s goodness and righteous offer of forgiveness. No one goes there who does not, through a lifetime of rebellion, choose it for themselves. The God of the Bible is not arbitrary. Nor is it his desire that any should go there.”
“The problem starts with a church that has created a god, not the biblical God mind you, but one that is in our own image, an image of what we want him to be. This god is a kind of celestial Santa Claus or an effeminate, emaciated weakling who “longs” for “relationship” with us like a dear old aunt who sends us a Christmas card each year, but to whom we never write back. And it is from this context that modern cozy notions of Hell are born.”
Question: How and why is it that “hell” and “fear of the Lord” is nary mentioned in the pulpits anymore? Could it in fact be the case, as this article points out, that church growth consultant advocates emphasize to pastors that it is counter to church growth? Instead: “Let’s entertain them.”; as they walk into the sanctuary on Sunday morning with: “feed me, feed me!” Why do so many worship services come off like a performance? Just asking…
It is not about the messenger but Larry Taunton is a warrior. I submit, if I am not willing to speak of hell to a future brother or sister for fear of personal rejection or suffering , I in fact I exhibiting hate against that fellow soul. There are in fact abominable sins of ommission, as well as abominable sins of commission.
By God’s grace, I have absolutely no interest in being popular anymore. We live in evil times, just as in the times of Isaiah and Jeremiah over 2500 years ago, if not worse. Take note when reading those books, how no one seemed to listen to these two warrior for the Lord. Question: Did they quit their directed mission to the Lord? I would submit that it was no contest, they preferred being alone in the world , glorifying God to the alternative: being popular in the world and grieving the Holy Spirit. Brothers, like Isaiah and Jeremiah, we were born for these times!
Soli Deo Gloria!
p.s. – I meant to include as well the John Gill commentary from the verse noted in this article: 2 Thessalonians 1:9: