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06/23/22 – “Why they don’t wanna get my kinda people involved in WW3.” (Attached youtube presentation from a fellow warrior in Christ.)


WIthin this very short video, Buddy notes that the silent warrior will reach a point of “enough”, fully engaging evil . He adds it is a “suicide” in the sense that it is full recognition that his life, as he knew it is over. Is this not a gift from God? (* – Mark 8: 35-37 below) As I have noted more than once, Alistair Begg saying: “The best of men are men at best”. But God with us! Is this not a praise prayer of thanksgiving for delivering us. The world has not everlasting victories up ahead; We do by His grace!

  • “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? ” (Mark 8: 35-37)

Was this not what Jesus was telling the rich young ruler when he inquired: “What must I do to inherit the kingdom”. And what happened? The Bible says he walked away, saddened! He just couldn’t part with his earthly riches.. Trust in Him and don’t ever let go! Always connected through prayer and by His grace!

We were born for this time! Ephesians 6:13!

Soli Deo Gloria!

3 comments on “06/23/22 – “Why they don’t wanna get my kinda people involved in WW3.” (Attached youtube presentation from a fellow warrior in Christ.)


    • June 24, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    Threatening violence? Sounds more like Islam. Apologies if I missed the point of the story. I’m more of the turn the other cheek kind. Anyone else?


      • June 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm

      Brother Lenny:

      Thanks! We need more open prayer and discussion within the body of Christ.

      I don’t know Buddy Baker personally. Within this presentation, I heard “Unholy vengeance” and “hate” within a single sentence as I recall. As a Christian brother, I would rebuke him out of love for that sentence, for that goes against Christ’s sermon on the mount. Let’s say hypothetically, I was the special forces troop on the mission to kill Bin Laden and even, the trigger guy. As I pull that trigger, by the grace of God, “hate” is not in my heart, nor is “unholy vengeance”. In church town hall meetings, I have called out pastors for heresy and disregard for God’s truth. I would say those were moments of “righteous anger” In one of them in particular , I heard God calling me to stand up and fight for Him!

      So, the best of men are men at best. But I believe Buddy’s presentation is a prime example of what we have solely lacked in the body of Christ, a call to Christian warriors, both current and future to engage evil.

      Please read this article from Aleteia: “Jesus didn’t turn the other cheek neither should you.” I think it is spot on for the body of Christ. How then shall we live?


      Does not this paragraph speak to us on a foundational level today?:
      “How can it be right to “turn the other cheek” with passive indifference when the sacred is traded for sacrilege? When truth is traded for lies? When purity is traded for perversion? When beauty is traded for ugliness? When worship is traded for entertainment? When sacred tradition is traded for novelty? When open-handed charity is traded for the heavy hand of the state?”

      David vs. Goliath – 1 Samuel 17:
      Within verses 45 – 47: David said to Goliath: “This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head.” Was David threatening violence? Let’s back up to verse 11 prior to David’s arrival onto the scene: “On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.” Can we say that they were “turning the other cheek?

      We see that God directs David later as King as to whether or not to attack enemies. And like Saul, He even directs him on occasion not to leave anyone alive. Did this contribute to the dualism heresy?: The belief there is a mean and angry God in the Old Testament and another loving God of the New Testament. The dualists have abandoned the one true, all loving and all powerful God , replacing him with two separate false gods. You can’t have a God of love without a God of justice.

      I read where there is archaelogical evidence that the Canaanites, a violent enemy of Israel, had a practice of sacrificing their own children and putting their corpses in the walls of their home to appease their god. We have killed one million children a year since Roe vs. Wade and we sell their body parts. Can we say that we are more civilized than the Canaanites? The pro-choice movement has turned abortion into their own pagan cult.

      Sadly, I can go much further but let me just capsulize it for us now in one sentence: Our government and deep state in D.C. is satanic. The evidence is overwhelming and obvious, not only to D.C., but undergirded by a global marxist pandemic for all to see. Ignorance is not bliss! Shall we continue to dance with the Devil?

      Let’s roll up to present day: Was Karl Rittenhouse threatening violence in Kenosha? The police were apparently under “stand down” orders as the town burned. I think the key question was and is: “Where were all the men in that town !?!” The cops in Uvalde prevented parents from entering the school building, as they apparently stood inside the building doing nothing before the “special forces” unit arrived. (45 minutes ?)

      The latest “bipartisan” (republican devil’s minions as well) gun control bill has absolutely nothing to do with preventing school shootings. Ted Cruz worked out a bipartisan bill with a Democratic colleague many years ago that specifically included funding and addressing school safety. Harry Reid, in his “leadership” Senate majority leader position killed the bill before it got to the floor. No, it comes down to a rogue government getting guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens in the midst and aftermath of a “defund the police” movement. Like our Texas border, it is a declared war on law abiding citizenry and an intentional spread of evil anarchy to replace it. Ok, I need to stop there as I noted above.

      “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

      There is actually a question mark whether or not this quote originated with Edmund Burke. So, let’s go to His unfathomable word: Proverbs 24: 11-12 / Mark 10: 46 – 49. There are deadly sins of omission as well as deadly sins of commission. We serve an all loving and forgiving God; He has forgiven me for the sins of my past. Now then, how shall we live going forward?

      Today’s scripture in our 365 day Semikkah7 is 2 Corinthinas , Chapter 1 through 3. Check out “The Glory of the New Covenant” section, 3: 7 – through 18, but I will share the last verse here:

      “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

      Always connected through prayer and by His grace,



      P.s. – in our continued sharing of Christian warrior mentors through film, here is one that came to mind in case I haven’t mentioned it to date:

      The unbelievable true story of Desmond Doss, WW2 medal of honor winner and conscientous objector. He relentlessly engaged evil without firing a shot.



      • June 28, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      As I was walking this morning, I was led to this one:

      I have a possible discussion catalyst for continued discussion: How to we discern God’s call – “Turn the other cheek” vs. “The last option – Revolutionary war if separation efforts do not succeed.” Here it is:

      I would submit that Gandhi and his followers essentially defeated the British empire on their soil with a pure pacifist resistance. Here is the discussion , debate , prayer, not in that order: Perhaps you would submit that we can do the same now in our country to overturn pagan worldview anarchists that disregard God’s truth and the constitution. In a word: lawlessness. I would submit that as evil as the British were with the citizens of India, they were not satanic. I would further submit the D.C. elite is satanic driven and Gandhi’s pacifism would be ultimately ineffectual and an impediment to reaching lost souls. And certainly , ongoing prayer is needed to turn Christians around if need be.

      Thoughts? A situation without an apparent easy answer from bibilically grounded support from each side of the argument?

      Come to think of it, I will copy and paste it if I can as another comment to the original post. There is an element here I suppose of exposing myself to the satanists. But, that is a part of this: you have to be true to God’s call, for we have a faith worth dying for.


      Your brother in Christ,


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