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07/09/2022 – “TODAY’S MISSION – Be someone’s angel today. You are on a holy assignment wherever you are. Experience the joy of serving in His name as you spread the good news.”

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Being Their Angel

Friday, July 8, 2022

Simon Peter is in jail for his faith. He is awaiting execution and an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him inside the prison cell. The angel had good news for Peter. He is going to be free. Angels are good at bringing good news. In fact, the word angel in Hebrew malakh and angellos in Greek can be translated as the “news bringers.” They are the ones who came to the shepherds in Bethlehem and said, “I bring you good news of great joy.” In English when you say the word evangelism, in the middle of that you can find the word angel. Whenever you share the gospel by the Spirit of God, you are an angel. Whenever you help someone in the Lord and set them free from bondage, you are an angel on assignment. When you do God’s will and minister and serve, do it as an angel. Go forth as one who is sent from heaven on an angelic assignment. Rejoice, get into the joy of it. Start your angelic visitations now. It’s angelic and it’s glorious. Get started in the Great Commission on your divine mission as an angel.

From Message #964 – Angels and Outlaws

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:2-5

TODAY’S MISSION – Be someone’s angel today. You are on a holy assignment wherever you are. Experience the joy of serving in His name as you spread the good news.

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