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07/14/22 – Day 137 – Psalm 57 – 59 // 2 of 2 // Re: Just one verse!: 58:6: “Some have wondered how David could possibly be ‘a man after [God’s] own heart.’ (Acts 13:22) when he exhibited such a vindictive attitude…”

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year , Sermons

58:6 under a Chapter 58 – “The Just Judgment of the Wicked”: “Break their teeth in their mouth, O god! Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord!”

And I finish with my Evidence Bible comment on 58:6: “However, he was merely pouring out his anger in prayer. Let it be a lesson to those of us who would like to seek vengeance — take it to God in prayer. Let it be a lesson to those of us who would like to seek vengeance– take it to God in prayer. Those who learn that secret prayer is the place to leave grievances will find that like David, they can then show mercy to those who have wronged them. (See 1 Samuel 26: 1-12)

And for those of you who would like to explore further, I give you Alistair Begg’s sermon on 1 Samuel 26: 1- 25, which I listened to live stream on 08/11/2020. (Let me tell you, you will not only learn about the two books of Samuel if you listen to all his sermons, but you will expand your Gospel wisdom!) It is titled “David spares Saul again” :


As Alistair notes in his sermon, from God’s deliverance, David wrote in Psalm 11:

“For the Lord is righteous;
 he loves righteous deeds;
 the upright shall behold his face. (Psalm 11: 7)”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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