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07/16/2022 – “Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Only one feat is possible – not to have run away.” Dag Hammarskjold

Categories : Books , Quotes , Warrior Tools

I found this quote as I was studying “Be Decisive (Jeremiah): Taking a Stand for the Truth (The “BE Series” commentary)” by William Wiersbe / ISBN reference : 978-1434766342. Our reading covers Jeremiah , Chapters 37 through 41 today. My commentary may be delayed today, this is like “taking a drink of water from a fire hose”; it is just too rich. I don’t know how to summarily articulate it into the sublime that it deserves.

Among so many other avenues to explore, I think Dag Hammarskjold might very well be a warrior messenger’s life worth exploring. Again, the best of men are men at best. But, it is a tool that keeps us engaging in the fight for the Lord’s Truth. So , yes, I believe it is useful to have messenger mentors that keep us reaching way to high, seemingly beyond our reach. And it all points back to our foundation: “Soli Deo Gloria!”

And how did I get to the fascinating article link below, instead of posting a summary of Dag’s life? I don’t have a clue! But I’ll let y’all explore that. And yes, a study of Wiersbe’s commentary on the Book of Jeremiah is very much on my mind after we finish our “365 day read through the Bible”. My three favorite mentors in the Old Testament that put me in the proper Christocentric focus: Jeremiah; Jonathan and Caleb.

Always connected through prayer and His grace! ; Soli Deo Gloria!


Your brother in Christ,


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