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07/23/2022 – Day 146 – Jeremiah 42 – 46 / 46:28 “Nations have their periods, but the gospel church, God’s spiritual Israel, still continues, and will to the end of time.” Matthew Henry commentary (46: 27,28)

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

It is just unbelievably sad how disobediant the remnant of Israel was under Johanan. In 42:3: They ask for Jeremiah to intercede for them so they can hear the Lord’s direction as to what they should do. They even add in verse 5: “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends you to tell us.” The admonition to not go to Egypt lest you face slaughter was ignored. They even have the audacity to proclaim they are going to continue to worship their idols, for they were not suffering when they were worshipping them before.

Matthew Henry closes out his commentary on our reading today with 46:28, my quote in the title for today. Never let go brothers and sisters in Christ, we are in God’s hands!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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