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07/24/2022 – “Progress” by John Rich


Check this song out, I understand it hit #1 on ITunes:

As I’ve shared before, one of the most outstanding Christian Leadership conferences I even attended, the facilitator noted: “If you find yourself grieved by righteous anger, don’t run from it!; feed it! ” For if you feed it, you will sacrifice your own “comfortable” to engage evil as the relentless Christ warrior you were born to be. Unless it is the eternal comfort of His grace, avoid comfortable like the plague! It is a constrast struggle to His glory. It is the same reason to strive to follow in the path of warriors running on God fuel! My favorite warriors in the Old Testatment: Caleb (now that I am an ‘old fart’), Jonathan and Jeremiah. Now, those are the tools for Holy Spirit led “Spiritual progress”. (Sanctification)

Ephesians 6:13! // Soli Deo Gloria!

p.s. – end of day note that I was reflecting on as I was making my daily run. I’m drifting from my “righteous anger” topic but what the hey:

By following warriors that seem way over my head and my capabilities, it also has the benefit of keeping me more humble. Another good thing, no? Weak real world analogy but I will through it out there: I really thought of myself as a very good shortstop at the end of my little league tenure. But I would have gotten a real wake up call if I had tried to stick with baseball through high school, let alone college.

My bride of 30 years gave me a warm up jersey for my “old guy” church basketball league around 15 years ago. The back of it read: “The older I get, the better I was.” Problem: You aren’t aiming high enough, Jimmy.

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