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10/31/2023 – Lesson 7 – John Chapter 5: “A Sabbath Healing”


Again, this is the “Bible Study Fellowship” (BSF) worldwide Bible study that runs for 30 weeks. The website is mybsf.org. If you establish account and login, you can: 1) pull up the entire course material which runs 400+ pages; 2). use other reference material; 3). look up the nearest group near you.

My current plan is to cover the sixth day review question that covers the entire reading for the week, and then perhaps selectively on other daily questions. Questions? Contact me at semikkah7@protonmail..com 

All the Questions and notes are on the “BSF” website: Go to mybsf.org. On the main menu – Click on “lessons” in the left hand column , then click on “Adult Lesson (Questions & Notes) PDF”. Finally , you will select “lesson 2”.

I will select two of the questions from the lesson:

John 5: 40-47:

#13 a. – What reasons did Jesus give in this passage for people’s refusal to believe?

#13 b. – “How might you pray for people you know who do not believe in Jesus?

Soli Deo Gloria!

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