Morning Wire
I recently had a friend tell me that they are “turning off the news” because it is so negative. While I can relate, I also think it is important to keep up to date with what is happening in the world.

The Daily Wire recently started a new Morning Wire daily (Monday thru Saturday) podcast with quick fifteen minute updates of the important news that is happening across the country and around the world. I’ve added this podcast to my morning routine (after I listen to the Words of Wisdom for the day and do my Bible reading).
I then head over to The Daily Wire several times a day to read more detailed articles and listen to Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and the other shows. On a weekly basis the Candace Owens show is very informative. In full disclosure, I am an all access member of The Daily Wire, because I feel it is important to fund real conservative alternatives to the Main Stream Media.
Axios stated:
Why it matters: Conservatives have been very successful at building popular podcasts, but to-date, there haven’t been any break-out conservative morning news podcasts that set the agenda for early risers, commuters and professionals.
Details: “The Morning Wire” will deliver a brief deep dive into the top news stories of the day, a spokesperson told Axios. It will be available at 5a.m. on weekdays on Apple, Spotify, and wherever else users get podcasts.
You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Personally, I use the Podcast Addict app on my phone to listen to The Morning Wire and other podcasts.