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10/12/2024 – Day 111 – Jeremiah – Chapters 17 – 21 / Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion / Post 3 of 3


These questions cover the aforementioned Wiersbe book: “Be Decisive”. They cover Chapters 18 through 20, Chapter Six in Wiersbe’s book. I’m picking them up from my Kindle …

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10/12/2024 – Day 111 – Jeremiah – Chapters 17 – 21 / Post 2 of 3 / “The clay is not attractive in itself, but then the hands of the potter touch it, and the thought of the potter is brought to bear upon it, and the plan of the potter is worked out in it and through it, then there is real transformation.” J. Wilbur Chapman


This quote is taken from the cover of Chapter Six of Wiersbe’s book: “Be Decisive” (Jeremiah), covering chapters 18 through 20 and titled: “The Prophet, the Potter and …

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07/24/2022 – “A small man can see when it is growing dark… but he cannot see beyond the darkness. He does not know how to put a sunbeam into his picture. A great man pierses the darkness and sees the glory of a hidden dawn.” Charles E. Jefferson // What a sublime connection to yesterday’s Bible reading in Jeremiah! (attached)


Always connected through prayer and by His grace!; Soli Deo Gloria!

And as long as we are talking about sunbeams, let’s tie this to our bible reading yesterday, specifically Jeremiah 46 …

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07/16/2022 – Day 139 – Jeremiah 37 – 41 // Connections to contemporary events and Eternal Truths / Imperative – We must heed God’s Word!


Again, I am putting William Wiersbe’s commentary on the book of Jeremiah on our wish list for further study after our 365 day read in this cycle is complete. …

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07/09/2022 – Day 132 – Jeremiah 32 – 36 – a look again at our commentary from 10/03/2020 – From the book: Be Decisive by Warren W. Wiersbe.


“A nation that cannot preserve itself ought to die, and it will die — die in the the grasp of the evils it is too feeble to overthrow.” Senator …

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