The Bible from 30,000 Feet

I’ve also met life long Christian’s who desire a deeper knowledge of the Bible including an overview. Over the years I’ve talked to thousands of people and shared the Gospel with them. Some are interested in learning more about God’s Word. Some are not. But those that are, need a high level understanding of God’s Word since they missed out on all the stories of Sunday school while growing up. Finally, there is nothing better than a refresher. Yes, like riding a bike, once we know how we never forget. But going bike riding sure helps to remember how to pedal!
A few years ago I discovered the book The Bible from 30,000 feet by Skip Heitzig. The book is intended to spend a year in the Bible. The 52 chapters can be read one per week to cover the entire Bible in a year. The concept is that it’s a high level overview. A single chapter for the book covers all of Genesis. When you want to dig in even deeper, you can go to Skip Heitzig’s resources and find a sermon series on every book of the Bible where he goes verse by verse.
But for this post, I am focusing on the 30,000 foot view. In addition to the book, Skip preached through the Bible from 30,000 feet from August 2018 till spring 2020. There are about 60 sermons in that series and there were some breaks in the weekly study due to Christmas, COVID, etc.
I invite you to pick up a copy of the book from Christian Book Distributors, or on Kindle (for only $3.99) or Audible (free with trial membership). Take a flight over the scriptures in 2021!
The Words of Wisdom daily email now includes an option to receive the Bible from 30,000 feet. This section includes the week number, book of the Bible for the week, the chapter of the book to read and links to the corresponding sermons on YouTube. If you are interested in receiving the Bible from 30,000 feet send an email to “tameionnet at gmail dot com” with a request to subscribe to the Bible from 30,000 feet. This pairs nicely with an annual Bible reading plan like The Words of Wisdom Plus Bible Reading Plan or the Tameion Bible Reading Plan.
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