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01/25/2024 – “Are Religion and Science in Conflict? Science and God” – 5 mins: Stephen Meyer

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Comment: Key questions: Why There? (Europe) and Why Then? (16th and 17th Centuries)

FYI Note: As far as I know, Stephen Meyer is still a future Christian, a current Deist. He heads up the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. It’s a paradox, I am remain more than willing to argue that Dennis Prager and Stephen Meyer are two exemplary examples of Christian Apologists for us, even they themselves are not current Christians. It is a paradox, at least for now. (Pray for faith!) Attached is a short summary bio:

I still have material from an amazing one day seminary presented by Stephen on the case for Intelligent Design. Funny, there were very few atheists back in the 17th century; the global percentage has proliferated only in our lifetimes. An Atheist will counter: “You cannot prove God”. Well, guess what, we can come perhaps infinitely closer than a logical argument for atheism! In that all day seminar a couple+ decades ago, Meyer followed the methodology of apply the probabilities that there isn’t a first cause creator by compounding the probabilities of the forces of nature to arrive an inconceivably remote possibility it could have occurred randomly, independent from one another.

I still am making the same case as two decades ago for: “How do we prepare our Christian children for college where they are barraged with atheistic propaganda, bereft of any logical reasoning?” So, let’s begin there, Stephen Meyer’s presentation was an awesome education for me, it was like drinking water from a fire hose! I shared with loved ones, that having seen God’s Truth from a Christian worldview perspective, I had to start all over in the educational process. Meyer was one of the messengers that provided me with a blast of speed out of the starter’s blocks.

Then, we of course make the case for Christ, the Bible has been attacked many times over any other book in history, to no affect. Its authenticity is assured through history, archaeology and a plethora of Old Testament prophecies were confirmed in actual fact, even a thousand+ years later. Not that we need it, the case can be built even further with the evidence from our design and innate desire: The Argument From Two Immaterial Operations (we have a soul); The Argument from Soul’s Simplicity (conclusion: The soul is not decomposable); The Antimaterialist self contradiction argument; the Argument from Ultimate Justice; the Argument from Sehnsucht (Longing); … (*a)

(*a). Source: “Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics” by Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli – ISBN reference number: 978-0-8308-2702-2. // btw: Look for my another post today from PragerU , presented by Peter Kreeft!

Bottom Line once again: I don’t have nearly enough faith to be an atheist!, by God’s grace. (or should I say “delusion”)

Soli Deo Gloria!

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