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01/31/2022 – Discussion forum: “Disciple making movement” (01/09/2022 post) & “Training the Twelve (01/07/2022 post)


In addition to the sources noted in the posts above , we also have studied “The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Dr. Robert E. Coleman. I was able to watch and take notes on seven of the 21 sermons by Skip Heitzig that Carl posted : “The Training of the Twelve. I suspect that Carl finished all 21 sermons.

Our previous PCA church in DFW was stellar in support and commitment to global missions. Their stated goal was to have one percent of church membership engaged personally in overseas missions. It was such a joy to hear their testimonials on visits. We heard that Prague, Czechoslovakia had one of the highest percentages of self proclaimed atheists in the world. A report from missionaries relayed that the most common initial question from initial witnessing connections was: “So, tell me about this God I don’t believe in!” My take then and now from that is: “You mean while we can’t get men engaged in bible study groups here in the U.S., we don’t have a sufficient number of missionaries on the ground to answer that basic question. So, baring specific directed guidance from the Holy Spirit, shouldn’t I be in Prague right now, following the path of the Holy Spirit?

Of the major religions, Christianity stands in stark contrast with it’s shifting centers of influence over history. Islam has Mecca , Hinduism is largely centralized to India, Buddhism to Asia. What accounts for that? Is it not amazing how the influence shifts seem to correlate with persecution and suffering, beginning with the proliferation of Christianity across the Roman empire .

In the documentary film: “Sheep Among Wolves, Part II” , an Iranian Christian Warrior noted that the Ayatullahs were the best messengers for the gospel, for the people came face to face with the hypocricy, hate and futility behind the Muslem religion that they grew up. So, should we be that far behind, what with our immersion into the stark reality of the pagan left in this country? Our Christian brothers and sisters in Iran are facing prison or death on a daily basis from their covert street witnessing. Look at Brother “M”‘s interview and call out to the western church. How convicting out of love! As messengers, they “disciple to convert” whereas FAi notes our western model of “convert to disciple”.

In Iran, they have disciples in the street after just a 45 minute witness, starting with “Who is Jesus?”. Only God can measure hearts. But we all know there are self professed christians who sit with their butts in the pews their entire life, never looking any different from “non-believers” the rest of the week.

From the gospels, the disciples followed Jesus when it wasn’t easy to follow. It was not the comfortable path. Jesus spent 24-7 with the twelve. In essence, as Skip noted: “Jesus risked everything for the twelve.” And the new disciples in Iran are following His example: They are not leaving “new christians” out there by themself. They are doing the hard work of guiding them through the entire process, step by step.

So, first: Ask a new Christian to commit early and fully. If they walk away as did the rich young ruler, let them go as Jesus did, even as He loved him. So, in essence, we go right behind the Holy Spirit. No, we can’t measure independent hearts, but let’s look at the non-denominational super-churches today. What is the presentation but entertainment and “feeling comfortable”. In a narcisstic plagued world, is it a shock that this is where the numbers are drawn? And make no mistake, it is about the numbers. Drive that altar call, and keep track of the numbers to tout success! And you avoid what brings the numbers down. Have you heard any “fear of the Lord” sermons lately. How about wake up calls on the evil of the world? (abortion, fornication, adultery, cultural marxist hate , prosperity gospel…)

Other notes for discussion:

  • I submit that you don’t bring the “uncommitted” into group with the “committed”. To use an analogy in the world, what would happen to the readiness and effectiveness of say the SEALs if you dropped the rigorous basic training requirements? Has maintaining those requirements dropped the influx of volunteers? Well, you say: Most drop out! My answer: Yes, of course. Bring them all in, and you will infect the whole. But, many who don’t make it, become much stronger just from the effort? Aim high and don’t give up!
  • Skip Heitzig connections to Iran’s example:
  • -“Sheep Among Wolves” (funny: Sermons title to jive with the movie title) : Skip emphasized that indeed, persecution fuels Church growth. Conversely: Having it easy, as my baby boom generation did, fuels “wimpiness”. I have in my notes that there are an estimated 4 million Christian catacomb tombs near the vicinity of Rome. So, is it better to believe in the rapture and be wrong? Or not believe in the rapture and be wrong? Will it make any difference in my salvation? Or even my judgment?
  • “Daring to Make A Difference” – Nehemiah 1 -2 – Rebuilding the walls…
    Skip: “Every Christian is called to be in full time ministry.” 4 paths: 1) Presentation as a Living Sacrifice : “What can I do for the Kingdom of God.” ; 2) Examination (see Neh 2:11): “Aimless activity is depraving to a human being.”; 3) Cooperation – the “body of Christ”; 4) Determination – The King is watching. “That’s the Pastor’s job!”
  • “The Fruitful Life of the Believer” : “Pruning represents trials that leads to increased fruit production”. “Abide” – Constant unbroken fellowship. Note;: The one word secret to bearing fruit. (John 15: 1-11) Prayers will be answered so joy will be full. So, how do we answer someone who says: “I don’t need to go to a church to worship God!”
  • “Men Jesus Chose” – In the Film, FAi is antonished that when they finally meet face to face with the Iran leadership in Indonesia, they find them to be a “bunch of goofballs” or in faith terms: “Filled with joy like little children!” And so, Skip points out much the same with the Disciples that Jesus chose, not the wise of this world to say the least.

Ongoing exercise: Time is a previous resource! What if we kept a diary of an opportunity cost diary in terms of God’s priorites? What’s the point?

What if instead of watching sports on tv, we: 1) read books or watched movies of inspiring warriors that have gone before us, and seemingly served the body of Christ at a level that seems way over our head right now. (multitude of examples – instead of “chitty chat , pictures or cute little videos on social media…) One example that was immensely inspirational for me: A documentary movie on about seven medal of honor winners and their story. Another more recent example: Reading Glenn Beck’s book: “Being George Washington”.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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