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01/31/2024 – “…Seek God for a hope, a vision, a dream, that is from Him, and that is greater…” / Isaiah 43:19

Categories : Daily Devotionals

Kill The Vision

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

God showed Simon Peter a vision of unclean and unkosher food and said, “Arise and kill.” But it was a vision. How can you kill a vision? It’s profound. For God was killing a vision in Peter’s life, bringing an old vision to an end. The old vision isn’t big enough, the view is too small, and it has to be broken and die because something bigger is to be born. God ended Peter’s narrowness of vision and purpose that could only be contained in Israel so that he could have a new vision that would encompass the world. Change begins with a new vision- and the old vision has to die. Maybe God’s asking you to kill an old vision, an old attitude, dream, plan, or hope so that He can do a new thing in your life. Let the old ways die and embrace the new. Open your heart, enlarge your tent, lift up your eyes. God’s ways are greater than yours. His plans are better. God has something bigger- a vision as big as the world and bigger, but it all begins when you arise and kill the old and too small vision.

From Message #735 – Heavenly Pork Chops 
Scripture: Isaiah 43:19

TODAY’S MISSION – What hopes have died in your life. Seek God for a hope, a vision, a dream, that is from Him, and that is greater. 

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