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02/05/2023 – ” A message of comfort” – Nahum 1: 1-8 Jon Cameron – Parkside Church. (See comments to our Day 293 reading)

Categories : Sermons

It is not about the messenger, but suffice to say, Alistair Begg has a “deep bench” of associate pastors!


For reference, we are on day 346 today, 02/08/2023. Our reading of Nahum in its entirety was on day 293 of our semikkah7 read through the Bible in one year fellowship. (search text: “Day 293”). You will find the recent reading post on 12/17/2022 and further back in the previous cycle: 03/06/2021. Nahum’s name actually means “comforter”. He was a Gallilean and you will read how he foretold the destruction of Ninevah in astonishing detail. For those of strong faith and trust that God always keeps His promises, this would have provided some comfort as they were carried off as exiles to Ninevah by the conquering Assyrians. How? Through the prophets, they had promises that God would never leave them, restoring them in His kingdom without end.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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