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02/23/2023 – Day 361 – Psalms 149 – 150 / “Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the saints. ..” Psalm 149:1


Sing to the Lord a new song indeed! Yesterday we looked at the song of Moses to conclude our study of Deuteronomy. Today, we have a new song appropriate to a redeemed people. Take a look at the post from last cycle, also with help from John Gill’s commentary, Psalm 149:6: “The two edged sword.” And from that post as well, consider praying the psalms, individually and/or in a group. From experience, it is a great jump start to one’s prayer life.

Don’t miss the connecting verses that John noted in this commentary. Notice that David, the psalmist is speaking of declaring the Lord’s name to my brothers in the congregation.


Let’s also look at Gill’s introduction to Psalm 149 as well! This new song of redeemed people is “always”, even though it was future tense to our fellow souls in the Old Testament: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15


My bride tells me: “You are like your father in his later years, telling the same stories over and over.” Well in this case, with purpose..:

It seemed like our youngest daughter , almost from he time she was first speaking sentences, would pray like she was singing, it just flowed. It didn’t hit me right away, but one day it finally occurred to me: Perhaps it went all the way back to when I read all of Psalms to her in utero, the Holy Spirit through a human messenger. (And yes, I have posted this before. It too is probably filed under the category: “prayer about prayer”.

Soli Deo Gloria indeed!

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