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03/15/2023 – “Let us be resolved to fighting the darkness by being filled with the light of God’s presence.” / How? (read on) / “The Lion’s Roar” – Micah 6:8

Categories : Daily Devotionals

The Secret of Gideon, Samson, and Joshua

Friday, March 15, 2024

“Every believer is part of a fight against some kind of evil, temptation, habit, or situation. Scripture records that on the day of battle, God’s Spirit came upon His people. His Spirit came on Gideon, Samson, and Joshua and they fought their battle, overcame the enemy, and won. The key is that they didn’t just fight their battles, they were filled with God’s presence in that battle, and so they won. You can’t fight evil by just fighting evil. You can only fight evil with the good, in the good, through the good, by the good, and for good. Fight the darkness by being filled up with the light of God’s presence. Fight the flesh by being filled up with God’s Spirit. Remember, the great biblical warriors never just fought their enemies, they fought in, by, and through the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit. Stop dwelling on your conflict, what’s against you, and what you’re against. Start getting filled up with the good. In that, you will overcome and you will emerge from your battle victoriously.”

From Message #823 – The Lion’s Roar 
Scripture: Micah 6:8

TODAY’S MISSION – Before you fight your battles or deal with your problems today, receive from God the anointing for victory. 

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Re: How?

Through prayer and being in His Word, constantly nurturing our relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All of us who have been saved to this point in time, have an indwelling Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Devil and his minions can oppress us, but they cannot “possess” us. But the Holy Spirit can go silent on us if we ignore Him. I submit that our only fear should be the thought of grieving the Holy Spirit.

I highly recommend reading Judges 6 through Judges 8 if you aren’t familiar of the Lord’s calling of Gideon. Once again, ‘it is not about the messenger!” Take note!: When the angel appears to Gideon initially, he proclaims to him: “The Lord is with you, might warrior”. Question: Would he be classified as a mighty warrior at that point?

Do not be alarmed! ; This spiritual warfare has been going on since creation. We can’t lose because God can’t lose…

Soli Deo Gloria!

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