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04/29/2023 – “People Have Forgotten This Truth About God” – Jordan Peterson

Soli Deo Gloria!

Jordan Peterson addresses a question: “Do you believe in God”, that I am sure he gets very often, due in large part to his three reasons he doesn’t like the question. He has helped me so much in my Christian growth, in spite of his personal struggles with faith, but don’t we all struggle, regardless of how far we are down the sanctification trail to holiness.

With respect to #1: I would share with Him our mission of the “Great Commission”. It is not about the messenger, but I just pointed out how he has been a warrior in that regard. He has suffered personally for trying to help others with their struggles in life. Only God can measure a heart, but I think he has willingly taken that suffering on, so that strangers he has never met might find peace and joy in the Lord.

With #3: I don’t know why he still says : “He is afraid that God might exist”, but he admits he doesn’t either. (My personal note: “I would be terrified if I doubted that God existed.”

But how can we not all resonate with #2: What is more important in your mission to help fellow souls: “What you say you believe or how you act out what you say?” How would my children be affected if I had “the talk”, but no “walk to back it up”? We have such a short time here, which makes “carpe diem”, seize the opportunities, all more compelling.

Continue to pray for Jordan! He is one public figure that I don’t have to work at it, or put prayer cell reminders in my phone.

Your brother in Christ,


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