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05/10/2024 – BabylonBee: “The Jews killed Christ says man whose sin killed Christ.” / Serious comment attached.

Categories : Satire


Without an in dwelling Holy Spirit, we are all evil imbeciles. Saved by the grace of God alone! In James Michener’s “The Source”, a full history of the Jewish people, I can’t shake reading how the crusaders macheted Jews who did not immediately profess Jesus Christ on the spot. Their last words were: “Here O Israel, the Lord thy God is One!” Yes, Michener wrote historical novels, but I submit that with full investigation, his works are more historical accurate than many so called history works. In all the Michener books that I read cover to cover in my lifetime, I cannot find one instance where Michener did not pass my historical fact check research.

No one gets to heaven by being a “good person”, it is only by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Only God can measure hearts. Would it be possible that the martyrd Jews were saved, while the self professed christian murderers went to hell? I would submit that an Anasazi clif dwelling Indian at the end of the first millennium in SW Colorado, could be saved without the possibility of knowing the existence of Jesus Christ on earth. Again, I leave that to Almighty God.

So, at the end of “The Source”, I was left with the question: Such a small number of people from a global perspective, what could they do that would possibly explain their persecution throughout history from a worldly perspective? And yet they survived to this point, thousands of years, while others far more numerous and powerful in their hey-day did not. Our God reigns!

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