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05/26/2023 – Dr. Mercola – Moderate vs. Vigorous Physical Activity Marginal Benefits // Testimonial: Thank you gain Dr. Mercola!

Categories : Health & Covid


Again, I highly recommend Dr. Mercola’s daily email health tips. On this article, I’m more about quality of life as opposed to longevity. Big Pharma can give give me longevity in some cases, but at what cost?; turning me into a “dead man walking”? Many of you have heard my testimonial on choosing to follow Mercola’s diet and exercise regimen, as opposed to listening to two two cardiologists that wanted to put me on statins. Like so many things in life, it was a lesson in patience and perseverance. Thank you Dr. Mercola!

The graphs on moderate vs. vigorous physical activity give a visual of Dr. Mercola’s summary conclusions. My bride of 30+ years can still do the sitting – rising test. I can’t. haha. Try it: Sit down on the floor with legs bent and feet on the ground. Now, without using your hands, try to stand up. I can do the standing on one foot test, but my guess a much higher percentage of the population pass that test as opposed to the sitting – rising test.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Your brother in Christ,


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