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06/12/2023 – Group Discussion and Fellowship – Chapter 30 – “Detachment” from everything but God means that God alone is enough.


And from the 2nd to last paragraph:

“And the fact that nothing matters except God does not mean that nothing else matters. It means that they matter because of God, because their goods are all participations in God’s goodness. And that means that they matter more, not less. They are only finite, but if the infinitely good will of the infinitely good God wills them for us, then they participate in infinity, in the true way, as gifts, rather than in the false way of idolatry. They are not gods, they do not suffice, but they are gifts of the One God who does suffice.”

And interesting note on the close: “To be one person, we must love one Person. That is why marriage (which is faithful, exclusive indissoluble, and fruitful no matter how much we may try to redesign it or recreate it or change it) is God’s primary training for heaven.”

Soli Deo Gloria indeed!

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