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10/03/2021 – 1776 – Nathan Hale – He knew the Lord and he knew his purpose to His kingdom. A life well lived indeed!


I would like to note that I have been blessed to have met many youthful Warriors, both in the sense for Christ and combat veterans. I don’t remember from my high school 50 years ago, not one single person out of a student body of 2,000 that I would say showed any signs of being on fire for the Lord. In today’s evil world, I meet young people under 30 on fire for Yeshua all the time. Are they outnumbered in their peer group? Yes, but that is not an issue, the Holy Spirit dwells within them.

All the more amazing, how do we have as many “on-fire” young people as we do, given the pagan gulag public school system in this country? Do you think any of the kids out of that system know about Nathan Hale? We did, so guess what, that gives us baby boomers less excuse, for “to whom much is given, much will be required.”

But pray for our baby boomer generation, we may have some Calebs that by God’s grace get engaged. Well, once again from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship: “When God calls a man, he calls him to die.”

Soli Deo Gloria!


Your brother in Christ,


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