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11/27/2021 – “A man living outside the circle of delusion which imprisons most men has a question of everyone he meets, usually asked silently, ‘Can you get outside of yourself for even a split second to hear something you have never heard before?’ Those who learn to hear will enter a new world.” Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1931)

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… a world that is free from the Devil and the minions for the Kingdom of God is here and now!

Here is a bio on Khalil:


I was introduced to a new soul this morning, however briefly, it is a blessing. I knew of his poetry but really nothing of his story. If you have a minute, look up Khalil’s poem: “On Children”. I would submit that within this quote, that even the desire to hear comes from us, it too is a gift from God. We are called in the Great Commission to come alongside the Holy Spirit as His mere messengers. We should only see people in two categories: 1) current Christians, or 2) future Christians.

It strikes me that there are a number of fellow baby boomer christian antagonists today that have never 1) read the bible and prayed; 2) been inside the doors of a church; nor, 3) haven’t even really met or talked with a Christian. (*) Many covered #2 before high school, but that is a feint and distant memory at this point.

* If they meet a christian, as opposed to a Christian, they wouldn’t know it because it would not come up in conversation. As the body of Christ faces increasing persecution, christians will disappear. A Christian cannot hide their joyous zeal, it is impossible for the Holy Spirit dwells within them it is like a “deer panting for water.” John 15: 18-19.

Definition: “christian” , lower case “c”, is self professed but the “walk” is not there, it is a dead faith as noted in the book of James. It may have been just an altar call momentary “good feeling”. Am I say a true Yankee fan if I do not spend anytime whatsoever to watch them nor know anything about them? Who said this?: “If you want to know what a man values, observe where he spends his time.” It is an axiom, it intuitively rings with truth.

Always connected by His grace and through prayer.

Soli Deo Gloria!


Your brother in Christ,


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