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08/23/2020 – Day 091 – 1 Corinthians 9 – 10 : “Flee idolatry – shun it” – 10:14


From Matthew Henry’s commentary:

Backing up to 10:13 – “Though it is displeasing to God for us to presume, it is not pleasing to him for us to despair. Either our trials will be proportioned to our strength, or strength will be supplied in proportion to our temptations… Men may be false, and the world may be false, but God is faithful, and our strength and security are in Him. He is wise as well as faithful. He knows what we can bear. He will take care that we be not overcome, if we rely upon him. He will make a way to escape. There is no valley so dark but he can find a way through it.

Flee idolatry, shun it. Idolatry is the most heinous affront to the true God. “Seeing you have such encouragement to trust God, be not shaken by any discouragements. God will help you in your trials, and help you out of the them. We cannot fail by a temptation if we cleave fast to him.”

And from my footnote in my Bible:

10:14. Idolatry “Those who deny the fact that God is angry at sin insinuate that sinful man (with his measure of desire to see justice) is more just than God. This is an incredible affront to the integrity of God. The following Time magazine letter to the editor epitomizes idolatry (the oldest sin in the Book):

‘Excellent topic! I truly enjoyed reading “Does Heaven Exist?” I am a devout Christian, and I don’t give much thought to heaven. My spirituality isn’t based on an anthropomorphic; kick-butt God who will throw four generations of children into eternal damnation because some distant forefather ticked him off. (See Prov 28:5) Heaven is the flip side of the absolutely barbaric notion of hell that evolved under that kick-butt mindset… To me, God is a symbol for something unfathomable, an utter mystery that fills my heart with joy and my spirit with song.’

(Jimmy note: Once again, another verse from “God in the Dock” by C.S. Lewis)

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