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Day 159 – 10/22/2020 – Proverbs 2 & 3


Proverbs 3:3: “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your nectk, Write them on the tablet of your heart.

“You are debtors, for what were ye if compassion had not come to your rescue? Divine compassion, all undeserved and free, has redeemed you from your vain conversation. Surely those who receive mercy should show mercy; those who owe all they have to the pity of God, should not be pitiless to their brethren. The Savior never for a moment tolerates the self righteous isolation which would make you despise the prodigal, and cavil at his restoration, much less the Cainite spirit which cries, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ No doctrine is right received by you if it freezes the genial current of your Christian compassion. You may know the truth of the doctrine, but you do not know the doctrine in truth if it makes you gaze on the wrath to come without emotions of pity for immortal souls.” Charles Spurgeon

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