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08/27/2021 – Nazarene Rescue: Glenn Beck notes that the biggest roadblock to getting Christians out of Afghanistan has been whom? Answer: Our State Department.


Update – 08/30/2021: We are taking O.U.R. off our charities list. This article from “charities watch” just brings up too many questions on organization credibility. And sadly, we put our planned contribution to the Nazarene Fund on hold as well. We are looking at Samaritan Purse as a replacement donation. I apologize for the hasty recommendation. But note, Beck’s claims of our State Department impeding civilian flights ex-patriating Afghani Christians has been corroborated by credible news sources.

Article link – Charities Watch:

Continued prayer and engagement….

Think about this scenario just a minute: Praise God for the ten women Afhan engineers that were rescued due to the hurculean efforts of one courageous lady early this week. Biden and his administration trusts the Taliban. They are giving out names of Americans to the Taliban. Both groups belong to their father the Devil. Afghans that predominately believe in Sharia law are being expatriated with many of them about to be resettled or likely all to the U.S. But they take precedence over our troops , American citizens trapped over there in that hell hole, and fellow Christians.

Check out Glenn Beck’s interview below on the link at the bottom of the page. Nancy and I have supported the Underground Railroad for years and this past year we added “FAI” – Frontier Alliance International. Tim Ballard is CEO of both groups: Underground Railroad (Mission – Rescue of children from sex slavery) and the Nazarene Fund (Rescue of persecuted Christians).

The rescuers from these affiliated organizations are staffed with ex- Navy S.E.A.Ls. We are adding a contribution to the Nazarene Fund. Alot of these blog posts say: “What can they do now at the Kabul airport”? ; “We were taken before with the Haiti fundraising scam.” First, Nazarene has already pulled 5000+ Christians out of Afghanistan. They are in an undisclosed nearby Muslem country. Glenn Beck voiced their concern lest our state department puts their weight against the refugees. They are getting help from a Muslem government but not our own state department. Can you imagine how evil our government and deep state in D.C. has become?

Oh, FYI: Glenn Beck and Tim Ballard are Mormons, not Christians as a I apply the necessary “Triune God” belief requirement – “Three in One – Co-Equal and Co-Eternal.” I will leave that for God to decide, praying for Glenn and Tim, but I will not be shocked to see them at the gates of His Kingdom. (not because they were “good” but “Jesus is their Lord and Savior”) We pray through the decision process. Would it have made sense to reject a unique and courageous rescue mission to deliver children from sex slavery due to the CEO being a Mormon?

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