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01/03/2024 – We have continued to support Liberty Counsel’s vital mission to protect our constitutional liberties over the years.


If you aren’t familiar with Liberty Counsel, I will give you two web links:

The homepage:


The “active campaigns” page:


We received a four page letter today from Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman that expounded on the evil global overreach of the World Health Organization (WHO). Here is the text from the active campaigns page:

Joe Biden MUST NOT Sign America Onto Foreign Treaties! (Petition & Fax Campaign)
Joe Biden has signaled his plan to sign the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval. If passed, HR 1425 and S 444 will STOP Biden’s plans to bring America under the U.N.’s WHO control by requiring 2/3 Senate approval of any international agreement. And HR 79 will block our tax dollars from funding this global Marxist agenda.

“Dr. Sylvia Behrendt, legal consultant to the WHO’s International Health Regulations secretariat is sounding an alarm about the amount of power about to be transferred to the man who ruled Ethiopia’s deficient health care system… The over-300 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) would give WHO Director – General Tedros almost dictatorial powers, unrestrained by member nation’s concerns.

The director-general will have new powers to declare ‘intermediate public health alerts,’ seizing power and issuing dictates. The amendments also ‘extend the list of events’ that the director-general can use to declare a public health emergency. The director-general will have global authority to issue decrees at will, including:

  • COVID-style shutdowns on parts or all of the U.S.
  • Dictate which medicines Americans will be allowed to take.
  • Dictate which medicines Americans will be forced to take.
  • Dictate if, when, and how Americans are allowed to travel.
  • Force transgender and LGBTQ ideology in classrooms and in hospitals.
  • Declare extreme abortion policies.
  • Enforce Bill Gates’ climate agenda.
  • Eliminate our civil rights and sovereignty.
  • And much, much more.”

The letter concludes with :

“Sign the petition to STOP THE WHO!

Please, take a stand TODAY. We have many ongoing legal cases. We never charge for our legal services. We are fighting for religious liberty, life and God’s design for the family in multiple states, and our clients on generous Liberty Counsel supporters like you to the fund the fight for freedom.

Every donation will be DOUBLED in IMPACT by a Challenge Grant…”

Soli Deo Gloria!; Always connected through prayer and by His grace.

Your brother in Christ,


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