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01/29/2021 – “Settling Down in Sodom” – Amen, following Lot’s example – How smart is that?

Categories : Daily Devotionals

But then, we are as dumb as an ox without God. At least the ox isn’t evil. Here’s Jonathan Cahn’s post:

Friday, January 29, 2021Abraham’s nephew, Lot, chose to live in Sodom. One day he’s visited by two angels. The people of Sodom were so perverted that they followed the angels to Lot’s house. In an attempt to protect the angels, Lot basically tells the people, “Listen, I have two daughters. I’ll bring them out to you and you can do whatever you like with them.” Lot grew up with and looked up to Abraham. But he settled down in Sodom. Abraham too lived among pagans, but he never settled down with them. He stayed in a tent, and journeyed in the presence of God. Lot gradually grew comfortable in Sodom. He even called the people of the city “my brothers.” It weakened him. And it probably happened without him even realizing it. Maybe you’ve let yourself grow comfortable with what you used to know was wrong. Don’t be corrupted like Lot. Turn from Sodom and put away all its unclean ways. Dwell instead in the Tents of Abraham, and the Lord will bless you with an everlasting inheritance in the Promised Land.From Message #668 – The Tents of Abraham
Scripture: Psalm 139:23-24

TODAY’S MISSION – In your time of prayer today, ask God to search your heart and show you those unclean things that must be put away for good.

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