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02/08/2023 – “When a government defies God, the individual has a choice: 1) deny their conscience, surrender their soul to the state, and risk punishment by God in the next life; or, 2) follow their conscience, surrender their soul to God, and risk punishment by the state in this life.” It is one another, doing nothing is a choice for (1).



I enjoy each American Minute, but this article is particularly rich. I encourage y’all to give a free email subscription a try: AmericanMinute.com. My posts of article links are infrequent. My emails from American Minute seem to be less than daily on weekdays. But in the last couple of weeks, they seem to be more frequent.

How does a country defy God! I submit: By disregarding the basic “unalienable” rights of man. The height of all lunacy is to be split on this issue as we are, and still be calling ourselves one country. On what basis? We allowed ourselves to be brainwashed on the pagan secularists practical definition of : “separation of church and state”, a term not in the Constitution.

With regard to our public education gulag: Consider, that we bought into “no prayer in public schools”. Yet, the pagan secularists now have relative free reign to indoctrinate their satanic worldview , even to the youngest of our children. Parents have been replaced by the state. (*)The first amendment solution is to dismantle the gulag and replace it with a parent choice voucher system. I recall what Douglas Wilson said over two decades ago: “If we turn over vacation bible school over to the devil’s minions, they wouldn’t take advantage of us, would they? Well, yes they would, and they have, on our watch.

(*) – Thank God for the courageous parents in Virginia and elsewhere, who stood up and boldly defied the gulag. (outnumbered but not outmanned, the story of the impregnable remnant church going forward…)

Blessings to y’all’s day!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Your brother in Christ,


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