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03/29/2023 – Gospel of John Fellowship – Chapter 13 – “… Something very lovely in the relationship between Jesus and Peter.”


Search on the date: “02/13/22” for our post last cycle on this chapter covering verses 14 through 17, “Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet.”

I would like to share Barclay’s commentary, just an excerpt on the last three verses of chapters 13, verses # 36 – 38, quite frankly what I feel is a key point that I had not considered in all my prior readings. Let’s get started:

“There is something very lovely in the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

(i). Jesus knew Peter in all his weakness. He knew his impulsiveness; he knew his instability; he knew how he had a habit of speaking with his heart before he had thought with his head. He knew well the strength of his loyalty and the weakness of his resolution. Jesus knew Peter as he was.

(ii) Jesus knew Peter in all his love. He knew that whatever Peter did he loved him. If we would only understand that often when people hurt us, fail us, wound us, or disappoint us, it is not the real person who is acting. The real person is not the one who wounds us or fails us, but the one who loves us. The basic thing is not his failure, but his love,. Jesus knew that about Peter. It would save us many a heartbreak and many a tragic breech if we remembered the basic love and forgave the moment’s failure.

(iii). Jesus knew, not only what Peter was, but also what he could become. He knew that at the moment Peter could not follow him; but he was sure that the day would come when he, too, would take the red road to martyrdom. (*A). It is the greatness of Jesus that he sees the hero even in the coward; he sees not only what we are, but also what he can make us. He has the love to see what we can be and the power to make us attain it.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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