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06/19/20: Day 19 – Job – Ch 5 thru 6


Ch 5: “Eliphaz: Job is Chastened by God” and then Ch 6: Job’s response

If you have friends like Eliphaz, who need enemies. Let me just zero in on Chapter 6 vs. 14: “To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend, Even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” Even though? Yes indeed! Why? Because God does not discern between current Christians and future Christians, so why should we?

I find it interesting that the Jews, even to this day, have a rather undeveloped belief in the afterlife. (excepting a growing population of Messianic Jews, but in absolute %s, that is still small..) Dennis Prager, of PragerU.com, an orthodox Jew, was asked a key distinuishing difference between Christians and Jews, responded that : “Christians believe that suffering is not necesarily a bad thing , in fact, it can even be a wonderous opportunity to give glory to God! Jews on the other hand , believe that suffering s—ks…” I am paraphrasing but this was his response in a joint appearance with Ravi Zacharias a few years ago. Dennis and Ben Shariro , although “future” Christians (not current) , are sadly, in my opinion, one of the most prolific of Christian apologists in our country.

So if this life is “just a breath” relative to eternity, how has the Jewish faith held it together over the past two milleniums? But the same question applies to the “prosperity gospel” of so called christian preachers like Joel Osteen. Let’s follow this through our reading of Job. Is Job not just an early foreshadowing of Christ with many to follow? And indeed are we not called to share in His suffering to the glory of God? Let’s be mindful of the plethora of prophecies of “The Messiah”, looking at the “suffering servant” , as well as the “conquering King” (not just a king, but The King). Both are true, but which did the nation of Israel focus on? And was that not as a conquering political figure? If Yeshua (Jesus) came back today, would it be any different?

Arm up brothers and sisters! (Ephesians 6:13) For we were born for these times; failure is not an option. I submit, let’s not sit on the sofa waiting for the rapture, let’s engage evil to His glory starting now!


Your brother in Christ,


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