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06/26/2021 – Dr. Stephen Meyer on: “Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence of Intelligent Design.

Categories : Christian Apologetics

This one comes in under 4 minutes – it certainly whets our appetite . But as I noted last week, boy did I get an four or so hour “blast from a fire hose” education with a dvd set produced by Dr. Stephen Meyer here of the Denter for Science and Center at Discovery Institute in Seattle. That seminary was very important at the time to our faith community for we were aware of how our younger generation was being indoctrinated into pagan ideology going into college, even in so called Christian Universities here in Texas like Baylor University. But we weren’t preparing our kids for the propaganda onslaught.

Unbelievable when you consider that atheism was becoming unheard of in the 18th century. And rightly so when you consider scientific advancements that shed so much light with the “big bang” and Einsteins Theory of Relativity and as Meyer points out here, the explosive discovery of DNA. You would think that the natural faith and logical conclusion is: “I don’t have nearly enough “faith” to be an atheist!? Even the question should be absurd at this point. So it goes with the global resurgence in the political arena of marxism.

And this Apologetics series will obviously transition into “The Case for Christ”. But it doesn’t work if people aren’t even recognizing God , our creator and creator of the Universe. You mean we came from nothing. As I have pointed out: Even the ancient Greeks had an early axiom that pre-dated even Socrates: “ex nihilo nihil fit” , or translated: “out of nothing, nothing comes.” So, don’t you need a “big banger” if you have a “big-bang”?

This is not about science at all, it is about denial of God. (yea, good luck with that…) On a milestone anniversary of Darwin’s birth, Charlie Fox asked about Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution” saying; “What does it all mean?” To my surprise, one of the Harvard professor guests answered honestly with: “It takes God out of the equation.” (That was the motivation that drove the absurd proposition.) It wasn’t science, as much as it was a religion. So, we can’t have prayer in our public gulag education system, but you can preach your pagan religion in our kid’s science classes, of course under the guise of “separation of church and state”. To add to it, that term is not even in the constitution. They used it not in reference to church denominations as Thomas Jefferson used it to his baptist friends, but to “worldview”. And how is it possible to separate our worldviews from any aspect of our life? It certainly wasn’t separated from the constitution, which was embedded with Christian worldview principles. That is what made it so uniquely “liberating” to the common man. And you shouldn’t have to be Christian to appreciate that.

2 comments on “06/26/2021 – Dr. Stephen Meyer on: “Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence of Intelligent Design.


    • June 27, 2021 at 12:20 am

    About every ten years another scientific “truth” is disproved. Now there are even questions about Einstein’s work. It just arrogance to think science has all the answers. I read they are still trying to figure out how a knuckleball works!


      • June 28, 2021 at 12:18 am

      The folly of man without God. Yes, even honest scientific knowledge is progressive. But in our world today,
      I think so called science is driven by political agendas which in turn are driven by elitist greed for money
      and power. When did big Al suddenly become a scientific authority unto himself. Not that global warming isn’t
      an issue, but the climate models are too ridiculously simplistic relative to the multi variable complexity of the real world, to being far beyond our reach right now.
      Certainly for proclaiming an end to the planet in a decade without drastic change, or even no change for that matter. PragerU produced some really dynamite five minute or
      so presentations of a convincing case for the underlying idiocy (evil root) with an impressive lineup of authentic
      climate scientists that have dedicated their life to the field. Just a single example but it gave me leap forward.

      I hadn’t heard that some of Einstein’s work was coming under question. I still have on my list to look at a layman’s
      understanding of the theory of relativity. I saw glipses of some dynamite 3-d graphic presenations in that area. His
      theory of relativity required a “tweeking” of Newtons’ gravitational laws as i undestand. So who is Einstein, as
      brilliant as he was, that his work wouldn’t require the same.
      Nancy would probably opt for how the knuckleball works before the layman’s study on the theory of relativity.
      Blessings to your week Lenny. ANd thanks again for the tip on Kreeft’s “Three Philosophies of Life”. We’re on it
      I pray for a serious attempt at an engaged discussion amongst brothers. I’m not going to give up on what should
      be a lifelong endeavor – to seek out our amazing God like a “deer panting for water.”
      Your brother in Chist,

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