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07/31/2021 – “Do not say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such questions” Ecclesiastes 7:10 // What is up with that? (see comments) Thoughts?

Categories : Books , Semikkah7 One Year

My source: “Living Life drawkcaB” by David Gibson / “How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End”. (ISBN reference # 978-1-4335-5629-6). My reading queue is stacked right now, but I have been cherry picking nuggets from this book. This example is my read of Chapter 6 – “Learn to Love the Limitations of Life”, my excerpt quotes will be pulled from pages # 100 through # 104 .

The Limitation on Wisdom categories : Money; Patience; Anger and Nostalgia are coverd in 7:7 through 7:25 of Ecclesiastes. I am only focusing on the “Nostalgia” in this post. Let’s get started:

“SDRAWKCAB” haha – I’m starting with the conclusion first:

“Nostalgia is a form of escapism by taking a vacation in the past instead of grappling with the present or looking to the future in faith”

Support for the conclusion:

“It’s very common to hear this sentiment today, almost word for word:

‘Things aren’t like they used to be.’

‘Why is the world getting so bad? Violent crime is on the rise.’

‘I’m glad I didn’t have to bring up my children in these days.’

But here’s how I think the Preacher in Ecclesiastes would respond to people who say things like this: If you think you’re living in a world where things are getting worse all the time, then cheer up: at least you’ll be dead before things get really bad. (*)

(*) – Jimmy insert: Then again, maybe Jesus will come again before I’m dead. I believe the rapture is indeed inferred biblically, but I’m not banking on it. And that being the case, no, I could see really bad before the 2nd coming. (not to take issue with David, lol) Counter to that, is heaven is forever, so the trial and suffering is not even a breath. (limit -0-)

Maybe the past was better than the present. But when you start asking, ‘What was it bettter?’ what you are doing is denying the reality of God’s presence in the present. If you think things are worse, do you think God is no longer in control? Do you think he hasn’t brought you to the point where you are now and that he no longer loves you or has plans or purposes for you? To ask the question in verse 10 is unwise, because it forgets about God. Often when we ask this it’s because we are blind to the good things of the present and ignorant of the evil of the past.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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