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07/31/2022 – Day 153 – The Book of Jeremiah – Questions / Thoughts?/ Postscript // “Jeremiah may have failed in his strenuous efforts to turn his people back to the Lord, but in his conception of true religion as a vital, inward relationship with the living God (e.g. Jeremiah 9:24) he was to set the necessary standard, not only for the immediate future, but for all time.” Arthur E. Cundall

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion , provided by Wiersbe in his “Be Decisive” book:

  1. What evidences can you cite that demonstrate God’s involvement in the world today?

3. Throughout these judgments, what hope did God give Israel?

4. What do these chapters teach about God?

5. Which of the sins mentioned in these chapters are prevelant in our nation today?

6. What can we do to encourage people to repent of sin in order to avoid judgment?

And from chapters 50 & 51: The fall of Babylon:

  1. What is the worst judgment you can imagine?

5. In dealing with sinful people, why would God use others who are even more sinful to turn them back to Himself?

7. Looking back on the book of Jeremiah, what have you learned about being decisive from this study?

8. Think of an ongoing challenge you face. Read Jeremiah 1: 4-10. How can these verses help you face that chhallenge instead of running away from it?

Let’s focus particularly on these highlighted questions for our discussion.


Check this out, I found this on EnduringWord.com:

 Arthur E. Cundall gives a good postscript for our study: Jeremiah may have failed in his strenuous efforts to turn his people back to the Lord, but in his conception of true religion as a vital, inward relationship with the living God (e.g. Jeremiah 9:24) he was to set the necessary standard, not only for the immediate future, but for all time.”

I will summarize the postlude in the last cycle dated 10/17/2020. I am leaving out my personal testimony as to why Jeremiah holds a special place in my heart, recognizing of course that all scripture is “God breathed”.

Unattributed quote: Today’s church is a “non-prophet” organization.

The three concluding sentences in Wiersbe’s book, our take-aways!:

“The same Lord who enabled Jeremiah can enable us. The same world that opposed Jeremiah will oppose us. It’s time for God’s people to be decisive.”

-“Jeremiah died an old man, probably in Egypt, and like the grave of Moses, his burial place is a mystery. The brave prophet has long turned to dust, but the words that he wrote are still with us, because God’s Word endures forever.

“Important lessons from the book of Jeremiah that apply to all of God’s people today:

  1. In difficult days, we need to hear and heed the Word of God.
  2. True prophets of God are usually (if not always) persecuted.
  3. True patriotism isn’t blind to sin.

He {Jeremiah} loved his country so passionately he was willing to die for it as a traitor. He loved his country so intensely that he would not leave it even after Jerusalem was in ruins.

4. God’s servants ocasionally have their doubts and failings.

5. The important thing is not success ; it’s faithfulness. (emphasis mine)

6. The greatest reward of ministry is to become like Jesus Christ.

7. God is King, and the nations of the world are under His sovereign control.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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