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08/25/2021 – H. Richard Niebuhr on liberal chistianity: “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of Christ without a cross.”


I just thought that the numbers here are dwindling. Why? Because “luke warm” , if not heretical Christians, are increasing uncomfortable in an increasing evil world. Prayer and witness, as a messenger for the Holy Spirit, so they do not embrace the Devil of this world to be “safe” and “comfortable” from persecution.

The militant remnant church is forever impregnable by His love and mercy. So, in this short lifetime, we must going forward be “comfortable” about seeking and engaging “unconfortable”, even life-threatening. What is that old saying: “Giving up what you cannot keep” for “What you cannot lose.” On another dimension, it is swapping momentary pleasure for eternal and unfathomable joy.

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