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12/30/2023 – “Hanging on When You Feel Like Giving Up” / May 2, 2022 / 1 Peter 5: 1-11

Categories : Sermons


I could be questioned I suppose on this sermon post: 1) 50+ minutes and 2) it is speaking to pastors, “shepherds of the flock”, thereby 1 Peter 5. Funny, our first BSF bible study lesson coming off the Christmas break is John, Chapter 10, “The Ideal Shepherd”.

Alistair cracked me up over this observation on sheep and shepherds:

“And he wants to make sure that they understand that if they are shepherds, it is inevitable they’re going to be with sheep. The problem is that the sheep stink. I say that on some authority. My grandfather was a shepherd in the Highlands of Scotland, and you don’t really want to have sheep—not in close proximity. They do things, and it’s not particularly nice. Now, they look very nice, and from a distance it can be quite wonderful. But when you get up close, they butt their heads against one another, and they do all manner of naughty things. And so that’s a wonderful picture of your average congregation, is it not?”

And yes, I have heard Alistair Begg before note that he has a Sunday night routine of telling his wife he is quitting the ministry. There is a Q&A from fellow pastors at the end of this presentation.

SolI Deo Gloria!

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