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04/21/2022 – “God Bless America?” // Wake up America!: “we can’t expect His blessings if we don’t embrace and submit to His will.” And that starts with repentence.

Categories : Daily Devotionals

I have noted this story before on the blog , but I was first introducted to Johathan Cahn at a Houston speaking engagement at a metro Houston super-church, soon after 9-11. The Lord was telling me afterwards that this man was indeed a modern day prophet. He emphasized a national resolve for repentence, not exactly a popular mention. Oh yea, we seemingly turned back to God with our mouths, but it fizzled out so quickly, apparently lacking the prayer behind the talk.

In terms of Christian warrior focus, witnessing to lost souls comes before focus on trying to restore our country, particularly if we insist on treating her with “bandaids” at best, but more often just flippant lip service. Regardless, we can be assured that America will not survive the second coming of Christ.

But having said that, we must alway bear in mind that there is no direction we can turn in life, that God does not speak to, and that includes the political realm. So,what would that “political realm” cure look like, post-repentence? I would submit: 1) “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” We don’t kill unborn babies! (with all our blessings, we should at least resemble a “civilized” state, with or without the constitution) ; 2) Resolve to enforce the constitution, even if it means a full scale revolution. (see 1st and 2nd amendments as examples – compromises result in a pagan gulag state) 3) So, 10th amendment is enforced which results in the deep state of Washington D.C. shrinking to a miniscule size. States would then compete for citizens. And further to competition, a nationwide voucher system is instituted with the highest level of support being the state government , if not local. To state the obvious, the federal role in education of our children = -0-! (read the aforementioned 10th amendment again)

Here is the Sapphires daily devotional:


God Bless America

Thursday, April 21, 2022

After September 11, everyone was saying God Bless America, God Bless America. Which God, which America and what blessing? The God of the Bible, the god of political correctness or the god of Islam? Which America? The America founded to be a light to the nations, or the America that is the chief exporter of pornography and immorality, killing of unborn children with its media that daily blasphemes God? Which blessing? The blessing of being kept safe and prosperous so we can continue in sin and take God out of every corner of public life? The point is not God Bless America. The point is, America should bless God! The focus of our prayers are not to be our nation’s prosperity, but our nation’s repentance. So, too, in our lives. We tend to focus our prayers on God blessing us. More important is that we bless God, that we repent and we live in God’s will. We can’t expect His blessings if you don’t embrace and submit to His will. Pray and seek for our life to be in His will. Bless God with your obedience and God will bless you with His best.

From Message #924 – Voice of the Watchmen
Scripture: Romans 14:11

TODAY’S MISSION – Pray for America today, for repentance, for salvation, for revival – and be part of the answer by living in revival today.

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SolI Deo Gloria!

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