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Facebook files


I encourage you to listen to the following podcast episode.

[Your Undivided Attention] Bonus — The Facebook Files with Tristan Harris, Frank Luntz, and Daniel Schmachtenberger #yourUndividedAttention
via @PodcastAddict

The discussion starts asking how life would be different for you without technology that we use daily? Think of your computer, phone, internet, social media. Then consider would life be better or worse because of this technology. The answers are interesting.

The conversation then goes into some Facebook files recently released by the wall street journal that detail how Facebook algorithms to increase views and attention lead to negative impacts on individuals and society while simultaneously increasing the pay of Facebook employees and the value of the company.

Finally they discussed how a free society can survive such technology existing. I realize this is deep stuff and unfortunately like many important topics it can’t be boiled down to a meme or tweet. So I’d encourage you to take and hour and listen to the podcast episode.

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