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07/15/2023 – “Twilight of an Empire” – 1880 C.E. – Level II – Chapter Fifteen Group Fellowship and Discussion.


“Twilight of an Empire” – 1880 C.E. – Level II – Chapter Fifteen

Pg # 898 – We are told an amazing story ; hidden in the hills of Galilee is this amazing community of Peqiin, Israel:
“He could not believe that hidden in thees hills the people of Pequiin had never fled:  it was unreasonable, yet in persistent questioning he could find no Jew who remembered Russia, none who had returned with memories of Baghdad.  These were Jews whose families had lived here for four thousand years, and the subservient habits of exile they had not acquired.”

Indeed , the story appears to be true! If I ever get to visit Israel, I would have to visit this town.

Check out this tourist link to Pekiin.  Notice now that the Jews live in “New Pekiin” and the “Pekin” itself is now 78% Druze and 21% Christian.  The different faiths continue to live together in peace.


On pgs. 889 through 891, we are told of a “HEP” , acronyms for Hierosolyma est  perdita, or “Jerusalem is Lost”, a trigger rallying cry for the massacre of Jews.  As it is noted on page #890, “Jerusalem was lost, Christ was dead , and somehow the shedding of this Jewish blood consoled the bereaved peasants in their drunken sorrow.  As this article points out, opinions seem to differ as to the origins of the rallying cry.  


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